Friday, March 26, 2010

Principle Driven Government

“Our Constitution was not written in the sands to be washed away by each wave of new judges blown in by each successive political wind.”
- Hugo Black (Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1937 - 1971)

The quote above represents the sentiment of this blog. That is, laws and policies will be subject to whimsical change driven by whatever trends society happens to be riding at the time if sound principles of civil government are not considered as part of the decision process.

The purpose of this blog is two-fold:
1) Define the principles that ought to guide civil government
2) Apply those principles to current policy questions of our day

It is our hope that the work of this blog will result in a strong foundation for policy recommendations and, as civilian lobbyists, we will do our part in advancing the strength and integrity of this great country, even the United States of America.